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September 24, 2004

Stomach Flu Woes

Getting sick sucks. I'm spending the day home from work to heal my illness-battered body after a night of sitting on, and stooping over the porcelein goddess.

"Sitting on" and "stooping over" are two very different actions, mind you. I suppose I can spare y'all the finer details of last evening's assault of viral gastroenteritis.

Despite my incapacitated state, I did manage to get online to search for information regarding the stomach flu and food poisoning. To the extent of what I could garner, the symptoms of both illnesses seem quite similar. The top few (in order of the amount of pain they caused me) include:
    - vomiting
    - diahrea
    - nausea
    - muscle aches
    - chills

With these symptoms being common to both, how the heck was I supposed to figure out what I had? To make things even more complicated, there are actually various types of food poisoning caused by the likes of salmonella, e. coli, and botulism. I guess this is a question best left to the professionals (see CDC).

I managed to get through the night, and the symptoms began receding by noon today. To celebrate this joyous occasion, I decided to gather a few interesting pictures of what could have been in me.

Rotavirus Norwalk virus Ebola

Posted by jcwu at September 24, 2004 12:42 PM


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